Nova Scotia dentists receive COVID-19 vaccine – Nova Scotia Dental Association

Nova Scotia dentists receive COVID-19 vaccine

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Dentists in Nova Scotia are rolling up their sleeves for the COVID-19 vaccine. In March 2021, Drs. Chris Baker, Lucy Lamond and Lynne Moyles were among those who received the vaccine.

“It was awesome,” Dr. Baker, a practising dentist in Dartmouth, NS says of his experience, adding that it was “quick” and “smooth.” “I was impressed and pleasantly surprised with how organized it all was,” he says.

Dr. Chris Baker, a practising dentist in Dartmouth, NS, receives the COVID-19 vaccine. Photo submitted.

Dr. Lucy Lamond, who also practises dentistry in Dartmouth, NS, describes the mood at the Dal clinic where she received the vaccine as “jubilant” and “joyous.” “It was absolutely wonderful,” she says.

Dr. Lucy Lamond, a practising dentist in Dartmouth, NS, gives a thumbs up for receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Photo submitted.

“I was so pleased to get the vaccine so soon,” says Dr. Lynne Moyles, a practising dentist in Truro, NS, who received the vaccine at the Truro Hospital.

“The injection didn’t hurt a bit. I have been very impressed with Health Canada and the NSHA vaccine roll out. Everyone seems to be doing a great job.”

She says a dental assistant and a hygienist she works with also received the vaccine, and noted the long line ups at a clinic she could see from her office during one of our last snowstorms.

Receiving the vaccine in March is significant. The month marks a full year since the declaration of the global pandemic and the virus arrived in Nova Scotia. It is also meaningful for dentistry, given that a year ago, dental offices were first asked to close due to the pandemic.

The dental profession has done an incredible job of navigating the change throughout the past year, says Dr. Lamond.

“It’s been hard. It’s been stressful. But we did it. And I think kudos goes to those who negotiated that for all of us.”

Looking back at the past year, Dr. Baker notes the progress that’s been made in such a short time.

“I find it really impressive that this vaccine rollout could happen so quickly and it has given me great hope for the future to see the wind down of this pandemic,” he says.

Dr. Lamond says people may not realize how significant it is to develop a vaccine in this time frame.

“Really, these people are heroes who did this,” she says. “And I would love to see the world get vaccinated.”

She now feels an obligation to encourage people to get the vaccine and to help dispel misinformation she says.

Dr. Baker also encourages people to receive the vaccine. “In my opinion, vaccination is our best hope to return to some sort of pre-pandemic normalcy,” he says.

“I’m pleased with how the vaccination process has been embraced by the people I work with, hygienists and assistants as well as the dentists here.”

“It’s my hope that everyone in our line of work is going to embrace it.”

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