Self-care Corner: What is “Bee Breathing”? – Nova Scotia Dental Association

Self-care Corner: What is “Bee Breathing”?

By Kyla Romard, Chair, NSDA Wellness Committee

HomeWhat’s NewRecent NewsSelf-care Corner: What is “Bee Breathing”?

The act of breathing is so basic that most of us rarely ever think about it in our day to day life. We know that each inhale provides our body with the oxygen needed to survive and each exhale rids us of carbon dioxide. In addition to keeping us alive, breathing can also affect our state of mind, making us excited, calm, tense or relaxed.

Using specific breathing techniques can allow us to regulate our emotions, especially in times of stress. “Bee Breathing,” named for the humming sound that is produced akin to our friend the bumble bee, is one of the best exercises to help rid the mind of agitation, frustration, and anxiety.

Other benefits include:

  • Relief if you’re feeling hot or have a slight headache
  • Improves concentration
  • Reduces throat ailments
  • Helps mitigate migraines

In addition to the mental and physical benefits, a major advantage of this, and any other breathing technique, is that it can be practiced anywhere.

How to practice:

  • Sit in a comfortable, tall seat, making sure your spine is straight and your heart is lifted
  • Place your thumbs over the cartilage between the cheek and ear, gently closing the canal
  • Cover your eyes with remaining fingers
  • Have the mouth closed, jaws relaxed, and teeth slightly apart
  • Press the tongue lightly to the roof of your mouth
  • Inhale fully, then exhale while making a humming sound like a bee
  • Repeat the same pattern for two to five minutes
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