Which Brush is Best? – Nova Scotia Dental Association

Which Brush is Best?

HomeWhat’s NewRecent NewsWhich Brush is Best?

Many options are available when it comes to choosing a toothbrush: Manual or electric? Hard or soft bristles?

So which brush is best?

For adults, it doesn’t make a big difference what kind of toothbrush you use — as long as you use it, and use it properly. Adults should brush two to three times a day. Regardless of the kind of brush, the technique used to brush is key.

Brushing Basics

Brushing your teeth is one of the most effective ways of removing plaque from the exposed surfaces of your teeth. Your tooth enamel is thin, so vigorous brushing over the years, using poor technique or the wrong toothbrush can damage your teeth without you knowing.

Although most people know they should brush for two to three minutes — in reality they only brush for about 30 seconds. Many electric toothbrushes have built-in timers, so time yourself and see how you do!

Hard vs. Soft-Bristled Brushes

Often making the choice between soft and hard-bristled brushes is a decision you should make in consultation with your dentist, and depends on your level of comfort. Soft-bristled brushes are generally recommended.

Soft, flexible bristles are often more effective cleaning between the teeth and in hard-to-reach spots — and also the best option for children just starting out.

Manual vs. Electric Brushes

Although in many cases it’s about what is comfortable, and with proper brushing technique what allows you to best clean your teeth – a 2014 systematic review concluded powered toothbrushes reduce plaque and gingivitis more than manual tooth-brushing in the short and long term. The benefits of this for long-term dental health are unclear.

Ultimately, the best brush for you is comfortable, affordable, and one that is easy-to-use properly.

Photo credit: iStock.com/Voyagerix

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